Connection Print
This print was created as a volunteer project for CreativeMornings Seattle to be featured at the Seattle Design Festival. The theme of the festival was connection - so we aimed to create a piece based off of the 6 degrees of separation theory.
This project was created in collaboration with Seattle artist Mary Wojnar. Together we brainstormed with how we wanted to visually show connection, and how to make our piece interactive with the community. They created the beautiful illustration that is split between the six prints, and aided in the production of the print. I created the typographic design, as well as wrote the copy, seen on the prints.
We Are All Connected
We Are All Connected
Six Degrees of Separation is the theory that every human can be linked to another in six connections or less.
We broke the illustration up into six different prints so that each print is a puzzle piece belonging to five others. We hoped that this puzzle style of breaking down the art would encourage people to build connection with each other and find the missing pieces to the full image.